This week the TELL2 Native Speaker Project begins. This blog will document the work done by teachers and mentors in the Lipis district. We are just one district in a much bigger project across Malaysia, aiming to improve the English language skills and teaching methodology in Malaysian primary schools.
My name is Mr Alex, and I will be based in five schools in the Kuala Lipis area. Very soon, I will be joined by two more native English teachers, who will each be based in five more schools spread out over the district of Lipis.
The Malaysian Ministry of Education is very committed to improving the levels of achievement in English in Malaysian schools, and this project is one of the main initiatives to help raise standards. I greatly look forward to having a big impact on teachers and children in the Lipis area. I hope this is a clear step in moving Malaysia forward to being a highly skilled, highly educated, successful and prosperous country for the next generation.
This blog will mainly be written by myself and the two other English mentors arriving soon. I very much hope teachers will also contribute! I very much welcome comments below. Thanks,